Friday, March 20, 2009


i talked to euna right before she left. she was nervous but excited. she has always longed to work on pieces that moved her. that stirred something in her. that were of substance. i didn't know just how dangerous her trip would be.

ruthie and i have been texting and talking our fears. there are so many. the horrible visions/thoughts of what could be happening. what she must be feeling. how she's holding up. and all infused with, honestly, fragile strands of faith...

i got an email from michael. man, i'm going out of my mind here with worry for euna, but i can't imagine what it's like for him. sitting in their house in LA with hana. i wonder if hana even knows what's going on...

feeling quite helpless. no one seems to know anything. even the papers keep saying they're "trying to figure out what happened and where they are."

oh, euna...

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