Friday, December 8, 2006

i want my people to be FREE!

this monday, december 10, 2007, my father will go for his parole hearing.

( / (

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i want to take the time to say thank you to everyone for your continuous letters of support and all of your encouragement.

please continue to keep him in your prayers/meditations/thoughts as he goes, once again, to fight for his, and our, freedom...

also, please keep in your hearts my brother kamel, his father herman bell, and the rest of the SF8.

( / (

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"we are not dispirited. in fact, we are empowered by our resistance. aim high and go all out!"
-dr. mutulu shakur

peace and blessings / love and light.

Monday, December 4, 2006

it's the most wonderful time of the year...

i was just thinking about how very much we affect each other on a moment to moment basis and how very little we sometimes realize it. even something as little as the one last turn to smile at a friend shifts your life and everything in it by that fraction of a second and that, changes the experiences you have from that moment on.

because of that i am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life. i am truly blessed. i really do believe that the universe breathed these moments that make up my life in such a way that i may cross journeys with some of the most amazing sprits of this world. we all leave a little of ourselves upon each other in each passing. although we may not know it. although it may be so small we never even notice. it's there...

i am me because of you.

on another note, it's my favorite holiday! probably because we never celebrated in my family. because of that, i have great romance with it. the sights (bright colorful bulbs lighting up the night), the sounds (carols filling the air), and smells (ahhh, cinnamon)...

christmas time is here.

although it can be a time of blatant greed with all the gift buying, i love the gift of giving. soooo, if you're looking for some music to get you in the giving holiday spirit, i suggest my top 2 favorites: a charlie brown christmas by the vince guaraldi trio, and yes, the old school merry christmas by mariah carey

i will be celebrating this year's holiday's with yogiraj (the sunshine on my cloudy day) and his family. can't wait to see the little seemingly insignificant thing that make family time so special. i LOVE to see love.

what are your family traditions? anything i particular you and yours do to make the holiday special? do you open presents the night before? do you all go and shop for a tree together? is your aunt so and so always giving you the most randomly scary gifts? comment back and let me know...

peace and lots-o-love